Brant & Bryan were involved in Living Pictures at our church. They had been practicing for a while. Easter weekend they performed all weekend. On Good Friday, my parents & sister got to come for a visit and watch the performance.

On Saturday, we had a cookout and Easter egg hunt at Ginger and Chip's, then Bryan & Brant had another performance that evening.

On Easter morning, the kids woke to find their Easter baskets. Brant got some Disney pins to trade at Disney World, candy, and a movie. Brylee got a movie, a baby carrier for Kenzie her Bitty Baby, and candy. After that, we made Resurrection Rolls. (Thanks to Shannon Wilcutt). The marshmallows represented the body Jesus, rolled in spice & oils (butter, cinnamon, & sugar), wrapped in the tomb (crescent rolls), then bake and afterwards, there is no body in the "tomb". They were quite delicious, too.

After breakfast, we headed to church. After church, we spent the afternoon with Bryan's family. Before lunch, we took some Easter pictures. The rest of the afternoon, we just hung out and visited with family!
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