Last night, Brant cut his head running by the couch. His head immediately began bleeding. It was bad - I was just about to walk out the door to go to Bunko. Thankfully, we called Scott, Bryan's brother, who is a nurse. He, at first, thought it needed stitches. I was dreading "spending the night" in the emergency room. He then later decided that he would be able to glue it. It sealed well, thankfully. Brant wasn't happy about it. Bryan and I had to hold him down while Scott glued it. I know the neighbors probably heard him screaming. After it was done, he was fine and ready to go to Nick.Com to play games.
Then today, Bryan got a phone call early this morning. Brylee had fallen and busted her lip at daycare. It was bad. She had bit through her bottom lip. Her gums were bleeding. It was awful! Bryan took her to the doctor; they told him that her tooth was a little loose and to go to the emergency room because it probably needed stitches. I left school as soon as I could to meet them. The doctor finally arrived and he determined it did need stitches. It was awful. She kept saying, "Daddy, hold me". I was trying not to cry. Bryan was helping the doctor and nurse hold her. After the stitches, she was ready to go home. The doctor says it should heal without a scar. Her stitches will come out in 5 days. I just pray her tooth will not fall out. She has to eat soft foods, nothing to hard to bite or chew.
It has been A LONG DAY!